The status of the DirectX drivers on your system cannot be determined at this time.,
Setup was able to find DirectX drivers installed on your system, but a newer version of these drivers exists on the %s disk.b
Some or all of the DirectX drivers are not installed on your system. %s requires DirectX %s to be installed on your system in order to play.b
It appears that the DirectX drivers currently installed on your system are of the same version or newer than those on the %s disk.b
Dialog already exists.A
Error in defining dialog.A
DirectX %s Installationa
If you do not want to install DirectX %s, or if you believe your hardware may not be compatible with it, please click the "Do not install DirectX %s" button below.a
%s%s %sa
Installing DirectX can improve some of the hardware capabilities of your Windows 95 system. However, if your hardware is not DirectX-compatible, these drivers can cause problems for your computer.
Usually, these problems are solved by installing the DirectX drivers made especially for your specific hardware. You can get these from your computer's manufacturer.b
If you choose not to install DirectX %s at this time, you may install it later by running the %s program from the %s folder on this disk.a